Firstly, as of Tuesday he has publicly admitted to sexual interaction with the very woman who has now attempted to extort money from him. His claim is that it was consensual. Her claim is that it was rape, hence the attempt to extort money from him while keeping quiet. It looks like Pitino is innocent of the charge for authorities refuse to prosecute due to lack of evidence. That is about the only thing he is innocent of.
According to the facts, he is guilty of...
1. Degrading the family name
He has five children; one of them is an assistant coach at University of Florida.
2. Cheating on his wife
As if losing a six month old child and a brother in 9/11 weren't enough
heartache for a lifetime.
3. Potentially ruining his career
What parent, as Pitino sits in their living room trying to recruit their son to play
basketball says, "Take him under your wing coach."
4. Defaming the University of Louisville
Competing in Big East basketball is tough enough without complications, never mind
the state rival Kentucky Wildcats.
5. Dissing a friend
Just when you think the situation couldn't get any worse for Pitino, you find out the lady
he cheated with is the wife of a friend; he also happens to be the equipment
6. Fathering an illegitimate child
Again, when you think it can't get worse...he got her pregnant.
7. Killed said illegitimate child
Technically he only paid for the abortion...hey, it's cheaper than college! ($3,000.00)
8. Dumping on his spirituality
You didn't know he was catholic?
9. Doing things backwards
He has had his spiritual adviser with him lately at hearings and press conferences and things. My advice, if ever you find yourself at a bar/restaurant, after hours, with a female that you are attracted to, who is not your wife...your spiritual advisor should be there too.
10. Coaching in the NBA
Those hooligans definitely rubbed off on him!
I'm fairly certain the list could go on from here but his life seems bad enough. No need for me to continue this charade. But this entire situation has me reminded that no matter how bad it gets, God is waiting to forgive. Even those who seem the most devilish! So if you find yourself questioning your goodness, look at Pitino and rest assured. Of course, for those of us whose past is marred by similar sins, there is always Charlie Manson.
There you have it! Some of the facts, best I can tell, of Pitino's less than desirable situation. Much of this still must play out and God will judge Mr. Pitino fairly, as He will with all who have sinned. But for the sake of conversation, where did he go wrong? What should have been his wake up call? What will help him most in his attempt to move forward (pertaining to marriage, family, career, fame, finances, etc.)?
Fist of all I would like to say that you did a great job of researching Pitino. I didn't know he lost a brother in 9/11 nor did I realize he lost a child. Sad enough this just make things even more difficult for Rick.
Where did he go wrong? Well cheating on your wife is the obvious, but why would he do this? He seems to be a very successful coach. Has the money and power to make crucial decisions with the university. It seems his coaching career was more powerful than his marriage and his relationship with God.
We all know that people make mistakes(sin). But the punishment for his mistakes should be far more severe. He has a MORAL CLAUSE in his contract!!! Is this not morally wrong. God does not judge the size of the sin, but people do! Sadly Louisville is not going to fire Pitino, which leads me to believe that winning is more important than right/wrong. For you that don't know me my competitiveness is usually higher than the person next to me. But this situation is much different! I know that Pitino will go through enough personal hurt and judgment to be a punishment in it's self. He is going to lose some recruits. but honestly he needs to be fired! Winning at Louisville is going to be more difficult. So the joke might be on Louisville.
L'don James,
Just to clarify, it was his wife's brother who died. Pitino and him were very close from what I have read. Great point, that the University's focus was and is on winning. Kind of ironic that an icon like Vick is getting his second chance after killing and brutalizing dogs and Pitino kills his child and doesn’t even lose his job.
This is is just a symptom of the decay of morals society wide. It was said in the past, that sports was a way of getting off the streets or bettering yourself... now it seems that "greed is good" and vice is the extracurricular activity of choice. Much of sports seems about the mega salaries and the grandstanding of individual players. Is is any wonder with coaches like Pitino? Perhaps it is time to demand excellence of teams, players and coaches. How? That little thing called tickets, the price of admission. Yet, I think, as we kowtow to Hollywood's indulgences, we will continue do so for sports.
He may be a successful man in the way that the world deems success. But outside of fame, money and power, how successful is he? Does his family see the same man that the rest of us see? I would say that it is highly possible that even God sees a completely different man. Somewhere along the line this man has lost his true faith, integrity, and sense of commitment and loyalty to his family. Personally, I would be embarrassed to be his wife or daughter.
Is Pitino really a catholic man or is that just a title or phrase he likes to use? Some people think it makes them appear as a better person if they throw a "church" word in with a description of themselves. It is along the same lines as many people saying they are Christian just because they believe there is a God, whether they have actually been baptized or not. It has been my experience with a few Catholic people that it doesn't matter what they do, they will just go to confession later. They are no different than anyone else who has no moral conviction at all.
I do agree with Donie that Louisville has no interest in moral obligations. Winning is the number 1 priority on their list. But I also don't think it is just Louisville. You can pretty much watch SportCenter on any given day and hear a story about poor judgements on the part of a college athlete and what that particular college did to cover it up. It doesn't even have to be college. Look at the NFL and some of it's players. Brian you mentioned Vick, but what about Plaxico Burris and Donte Stallworth. Granted we have yet to see what is going to happen to Burris but Stallworth basically got a slap on the wrist for killing a man. I understand he is suspended for the 2009 season, but should he not be in prison? He killed a man while driving under the influence. There is a dramatic decline in moral conviction in not only the "rich and famous" but also in the "ordinary people."
Now I will get off of my soap box and go to bed!
Donte Stallworth did kill a man but the film they have clearly showed this man running out in the road. and by road it was a highway!!! He did make a awful decision in driving clearly drunk but why was a 60 year old man running across a major HW?
The Plaxico Burris situation is a joke. He is going to jail for shooting himself in the leg!! Should he have a gun? probably not, but he is a NFL star and they seam to be targeted more than just ur average Joe.
With all that said Im not giving them excuses they deserve punishments. I think Donte's punishment was fair! he has 8 years of probation and 2000 hours of community service. He did kill the guy but drunk or not the film shows hitting that guy was unavoidable.
ugghhhh Mike Vick, many of you wont like my take on this but Im glad he is back. He has paid his debt to society and has been torn to shreds by the public. He deserves a second chance, God gives us way more than a second chance. I am anxious to see how he approaches this second chance. Hopefully he finds a relationship with Christ and this will lead him in the right direction!
I think we can all agree that we are thankful for second chances. Looking at those individual cases, across the board, the punishments don’t seem to add up. I believe Vick was used as an example. The courts came down hard on him as to prevent others from venturing into such affairs. As for me, I once had a Chihuahua I would have loved to loan Vick; along with the world’s population of cats. Don’t get me wrong, Ritchie was a good dog…no, no he wasn’t.
When we insist on fair salaries and resonably priced tickets and stop supporting the star staus of athletes perhaps a message will be sent. We make the system what it is by our support and adulation of players. Semmingly they don't last that long in professional sports anyway. Vick happened to arouse the SPCA sentiments of many people. This migrated outside the realm of sports into animal cruelty and gambling behavior. Gambling(or fighting dogs) is one of those areas that include a blind eye from society. Vick's aggressive stance; behavior and abuse brought quick retribution. You don't have to be all cuddly and tree hugging to realize there are limits that society imposes.
Donie you might be suprised, or maybe not, to know that I am in support of Vick returning to football. I did not agree with the punishment he was given. Another 6 game suspension may have been a little harsh as well. He's already been gone for 2 years. But like most things, that's in the past and all we can do now is learn from it.
I'm ready for a new topic!
Brian, do you have any fight topics? :) Did Jermiah tell you he bought us tickets to the Fight Night in Oklahoma City on Sept 16?
O'brian... you stated your purpose was intellectual exchanges on this site... Is that correct? So far it's about sports and sports figures. Professional sports is entertainment and a sublimation for agression and war-like behaviors. Think about the wisdom: 1 Corinthians 1:19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
Just a thought for debate!
The reason for the blog is posted near the top of the page...marked attention. Also, note that of the two posts, one was not about sports. The conversation pertaining to this post, though referencing sports figures, has essentially been more about the deterioration of our culture. God is wise to spend much time addressing the very fact in His word. Sodom, Judas, and even Pitino are all examples and reminders of the side of nature that rules the air we breathe. Of course, that being the sinful side! Look for a new post soon.
Also, I had a question about symbol on your page... very Roman high church. "Pater Nostra?" What's up with that?
So you want to change society? What are willing to do without? TV, Hollywood, corrupt politicians, liberal educators, psychologists, closed church systems, autos, social infrastrucure, organized sports or anything other thing we use?
Talking is one thing... rebelling enmasse is another. You ready to give yourself to speaking out and lose your tax exempt status as a ordained minister?
I have more questions than answers? K
Not sure what any of what your last post was trying to say. If you are refering to my profile is only a monogram of greek lettering. You will notice there are four letters (Chi, Rho, Alpha, and Omega)...this symbol is no different than a cross or ichthys. The symbolism is meant to go no further than representing Christ in an artistic and ancient fashion.
later gator
Got your mind off sports for a minute...
that was my intention. Cairo(Chi Rho) beginning(Alpha) and end, (Omega) notwithstanding. The amount time spent on adulation and discussion of sports far exceeds the amount of time spent on discussing Christ and our walk with him.
What about your interface with people or even not enjoying people, in relationship to your witness. The world and it's ways are more a part of us than we are a part of witnesses for Christ. We deflect and talk about moral-less men, weather and politics over something that affects our immortality. Soon, far too soon we can't think of anything to say about the kingdom or Christian living. Yet, we spend hours on discussing other things.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Timothy 2:23 Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
uh huh! Make it real O'brien!
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