Designer Logic

the best logic money can buy

Fantasy Church

Fantasy sports are huge! I’m a fan. Perhaps though, some of you have been left in the dark concerning these games of a faraway fantasy world. Perhaps you, like Aron Ralston, have been wedged beneath an eight-hundred pound boulder. And perhaps you, like Aron Ralston, should sever your own arm and come out and play with the rest of us. Know that this act will not hinder your performance in the fantasy realm. At SRCC, we are preparing for our second annual fantasy football league. This got me thinking…what about fantasy church? The beauty of fantasy sports…you’re in charge. You pick the players. You decide who plays, who rides the pine, and who gets traded. For this post, I thought it would be neat to explore the concept of fantasy church. Who would preach at your church? Who would the elders and deacons be? Who would make for great encouragers, small group leaders, and Sunday school teachers? Who would give good communion devotions? Who would lead women’s groups or men’s groups? Who would play music? Have some fun with this post! Include historical church figures, presidents, famous musicians, and the like. We will assume, for the sake of this post that everyone is fair game. Meaning, we won’t be bound by a person’s actual religious beliefs. I do realize the importance of teaching truth in reality. Our only boundary will be character. There are many reasons for this; I won't begin to list them. This game, if I can call it that, will simply allow us to explore what the church might look like if some of the most great and talented people of the world understood that God had given them their abilities; and they used those abilities to honor Him.


Let’s play the Fantasy Church game!
Preaching Minister: Kenny Boles.
Outreach Minister: Ben Merold .
Involvement Minister: Marvin Philips.
Spanish Ministries: Albert & Deidre Pujols
Communion Devotions: Greg Campbell and Shannon Gibson.
Elders: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, John Piper, Jay Adams.
Deacons: Doug Daniel, Willis Thurman, Gene Scantlin, Rick Huizinga.
Worship Minister (song writer): Elton John.
Worship Team: Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, Neil Peart, Paul McCartney, Aretha Franklin, John Mellencamp.
Youth Minister: James Garner.
Children’s Minister: Troy Easley.
Women’s Ministries: Becky Rippy & Jena Huizinga.
Seniors’ Minister: Alan Dunbar.
Preschool Director: Diane Daniel
Christian School Administrator: Brian Buehrlen
Mid-Week Home Group Leaders: Matt Summers, David Neiss, Bob Leinbaugh
Enjoying the ministry mix: Craig


Oh, I need to add a Young Adult Minister: Mark Driscoll.
I may add others along the way. Who knows, I may even trade a few.


Let’s play the Fantasy Church game!
[Let me start by stating I probably won't have all the same categories/positions of ministry as the average church -- I am electing to be a little more focused and setting up my fantasy church towards a Post-Christian, Inner City environment either on the East Coast or Europe. PS, this sounds fun Craig, thanks for the invite}

Preaching Minister: Brennan Manning

Outreach/Community Ministry Coordinator: Shane Claiborne

Elders: G.K. Chesterton, Brian McClaren, C.S. Lewis, Brian Brubaker.

Worship Minister(s) (song writer): Aaron Strumpel, Ben Seidl

Worship Team: See Above and add William Elliott Whitmore & Enter the Worship Circle

Creative Worship Art Ministry Team Directors: Jasmin Seidl & Jesse Pavlik

Cafe/Venue/Gallery Ministry coordinators: Jace Pavlik & Matt Reeves

Children's Minister: Mike Sheagren

Youth Minister: Nate Karnes

Women’s Ministries:

Men's Ministries: Steev Inge

Counseling Ministry: Bob Krepps

I am not done, just need to get some other things accomplished -- just wanted to lay claim on these. Even though many of them people I know and you probably don't, but just in case!


Also adding

TESOL/TEFL Ministries: Adam Pallay


Picks I like thus far…

Craig, I definitely dig 'Honest' Abe as an elder type. I like the placement of Albert and Deidre with Spanish ministry. John Piper will definitely be making my list but not as an elder. Though I wouldn’t argue with where you placed him. I also really like the idea of Alan Dunbar working with seniors. Kenny seems better suited as an elder type…but hey it’s your church.

Matt, glad you could join the conversation. I would have sent you the link myself if I had your email. I like the use of C.S. Lewis, planned on using him myself. I’m curious as to why Manning is your preacher? I have lumped him in with Max Lucado as people who should write more than speak. Though, I know only a bit about either of them.

That’s all for now


Worship Team: Canadian Brass, Hillary Hahn, J.S. Bach, Il Divo, Chris Tomlin


My Church:
God is the head of all things
Connection to me: Holy Spirit
Minister to Mankind: Jesus Christ
Worshipping humans beings are all servants willing our unwilling
Love everyone as God does-even the unlovely
Giving up all control to God
No law except where Scripture speaks
No interpretation by a man or men
Pray without ceasing
Forgive! Forgive! Forgive! Love as God loves!


Ken iterated:
No man/woman is my fantasy for church
no man/woman is an idol to me
no man/woman regardless of talent or wisdom can replace God!
Christ is the church, we are his bride!
Perhaps the simple approach might beat the fantasy!
We do not own God or His will!
Remember the two greatest commandments? Matthew 22:37-40
Jesus summarizes the entirety of God's law in two simple commands: love God, and love your neighbor. Love for our neighbor should flow naturally out of our love for God.
Do not fantasize or think you are above this commandment. Be this church